For the birthday of a friend I put together an assortment of "pinterest projects" in jars, because the important step between pinning and doing is getting the supplies together.

Here's a very small but functional sewing project I selected:
And here are the corresponding supplies ready to be rolled up and jarred:
For food oriented projects focus on the non-perishables and let the recipient supply the rest. If you can, provide the precise measurement of each ingredient they'll need. If you are fortunate enough to live near a Winco Foods take advantage of their bulk food section to buy just what you need. Since it was a birthday I found a recipe for Birthday Cake Popcorn:
I took screenshots of the pins themselves and doctored in the pinterest logo, then printed to make a tag for each jar. It'd also be fun to scale down the image to fit on the lid of the jar.
One final but very important note!!!! Don't forget to give the recipient a way to access the pinterest links so they know what to do with their supplies. You can email the links to the pins or websites, or create a special board on your account just for them.
Now what's the recipient going to do with all these jars? Hmm, I wonder if pinterest has any suggestions.