Monday, June 1, 2009

SMS Giveaway Winners!

Thank you so much to everyone that stopped by my blog during SMS Give-Away. I'm honored to have received so many comments and new subscribers to my blog. Alas, there can only be two winners…

Give-Away #1: Winner of Vintage Knitting Books…. Jessamyn from Portland OR who craves a vintage inspired Ski-hoodie.

Give-Away #2: Winner of reusable sandwich and snack bags… Stephanie and Carlos from Sydney Australia who design children's clothes from repurposed materials. Check out their blog here:

If you didn’t win the snack bag giveaway, but are interested in making your own, I will be posting a tutorial in the coming weeks! Please check back!


  1. Yah to the winners! I am so excited about your tutorial though, I was even thinking about it last night when I went for a walk. Can't wait to make some for myself.

  2. Yay... thanks for the give away... I think the tutorial is a fantastic idea... I will need more as 2 for a family of 5 is pushing it hehe. Thanks for the plug too!!

    xo Steph
